
in-person worship on Sunday mornings

The Lord's Supper/Communion

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper at least once per month.

hands holding a loaf of bread

It is okay (more than okay) to be present even if you are not interested in receiving the Lord’s Supper or not ready to follow Jesus. Our worship gatherings are open and reflect a wide range of faith commitments, from none (zero) to lifelong Jesus-following.

We  pass  the bread and then the juice, speaking words from Jesus’s last Passover meal with his disciples. This helps us remember Jesus’s death and resurrection. If you are joining us, but not personally participating in communion, just pass along the bread  and juice to the next person in the circle.

Wondering about the meaning or purpose of the Lord’s Supper?

If  you have any questions about this part of our life together, please contact us.

*Our communion bread is gluten-free and we use grape juice, rather than wine. 

Children from birth to 2 years old

Thank you for bringing your child to church!

Parents/caregivers can access the nursery to soothe or care for their child if desired. On all Sundays, except when we hold our intergenerational  Worship Feasts, volunteer nursery attendants are available to receive and care for children during worship.

All nursery volunteers are required to follow our Safe Church guidelines, which include mandatory background screening.

Even if you intend for your child to go to nursery, please consider bringing your child into the worship space with you so that they can see and experience our all-ages gathering and a sung prayer before many of the children will exit for age-appropriate care/programming.

Immediately following worship, please collect your child from the Nursery.



Breastfeeding is acceptable, at any time, in any space in our church

By Matt Daigle – Mothering.com, Copyrighted free use

Breastfeeding is acceptable, at any time, in any space during our events.

For children born in 2020 through 2022 - Little Lambs

This play-based program brings children together for a short circle time and story, an invitation to a themed, hands-on craft or activity, free play, and a snack.

This program begins part-way through the worship service, after the children gather at the front for a song. Feel free to accompany your child to the front. If you are visiting, you are welcome to bring your child down to the program room so that you can meet the leaders and see the space. Please advise the group leaders if your child has any food allergies or dietary restrictions.

Immediately following worship, please come and collect your child in person.

For children born from June 2016 to June 2020 - Young Children and Worship

This mixed-age, weekly gathering allows children to see and hear a Bible story told with materials that they can use themselves, and to respond to it with art materials if they choose. The setting, materials, and activities are age-appropriate and the children have opportunities to serve, to share food, and to share their own news and stories.

This program begins part-way through the worship service, after the children gather at the front for a song. If you are visiting, please feel free to accompany your child to the front, and even to follow them up to the 2nd floor worship space to sneak a peek at the space and to advise the leaders of any allergies or dietary restrictions.

Immediately following worship, please come and collect your child in person.

What is a "Worship Feast"?

It’s an all ages meal, shaped by a worship service. It is also an all-ages worship service, shaped by sharing food, drink, and company at a meal. Children of all ages are welcome.

During worship feasts, there is no supervised playtime/nursery.

“When Jesus was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him…” Luke 24: 30-31

We begin worship in the sanctuary, and then we move from the sanctuary to the large hall and gather around tables, all ages together, as our worship continues. A variety of brunch-like foods will be shared.

These special worship gatherings were spearheaded by one of our small groups, inspired by a book that they studied together:

We will Feast: Rethinking Dinner, Worship, and the Community of God , by Kendall Vanderslice.

book cover

Mask-wearing is welcome, but optional


Need/want a mask?

No problem. We have plenty, and we keep them close to the entrance.

Online options

Please consider online opportunities if

  • you feel that attending worship at this time would be unsafe for you.
  • you have active symptoms of contagious illness, including COVID.

At any time, should you need/prefer to participate in worship online, find a link to worship on our home page