
Donate by cash/cheque, e-transfer, or the CanadaHelps link.

Direct your offering

Choose from the list below. Unspecified offerings go to General Ministries of All Nations Church.

General Ministries Fund of All Nations Church

Contributions to this fund are a way of sharing in the life and work of this congregation, covering expenses related to staff salaries, ministry/programming supplies, building utilities and maintenance, administration, etc.

All Nations Church Benevolence Fund

The Benevolence Fund is used by the deacons at All Nations CRC to share God’s mercy with those in need in our community.

The fund equips the deacons to offer financial support to folks facing emergency situations. The fund also offers all of us the opportunity to reflect the generosity of God’s grace through our giving.

Building Fund (Church and Manse)

The Building Fund is used for capital improvements to the church building and to the *manse. Rather than repairs and maintenance, capital improvements involve more permanent structural changes, restorations, and improvements.


What is a manse?

The manse is a house that is owned by the congregation and used to provide a neighbourhood home for our pastor and our pastor’s family, including a cute lab named “Kindle”.

Donate by e-transfer

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Submit this form to receive e-transfer directions.

Remember; you can direct your donation.
(Scroll up to learn more.)

Without direction, your donation will automatically go to the General Ministries Fund.

The only required field in this form is your email address.

However, if you would like to receive a charitable donation receipt for income tax purposes, please provide your name and postal address as well.

Thank you!

The deacons and congregation of All Nations Church